Family Focused
Revival Dermatology is a comprehensive dermatology practice serving patients of all ages, including pediatrics.
Our Medical Dermatology Services

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that actually can affect all ages. Mostly seen in the teenage years, acne also commonly occurs in adults. Pimples, pustules, comedones, blackheads, cysts and nodules are common descriptions used to describe acne. Acne can cause scarring and mental distress. There are many different prescription products and aesthetic treatments that can be used to proactively treat acne.
Feeling stressed about acne? We are ready to help. Simply schedule an appointment and we will work with you to create a treatment path to clearer skin.
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Helping Your Teen Manage Acne: A Parents Guide
CLn Skincare System for Acne Management
Related Video:
Dr. Amanda Champlain Talks: Treating Teenage Acne
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis can be irritant in nature or allergic. Typically it presents as an itchy, red, scaly rash and can be focused on certain areas like the eyelids or hands, or be scattered throughout the body. Revival Dermatology can perform extensive patch testing to help you determine the cause for your allergic reaction.
When concerned about rashes, it is best to schedule an appointment for a skin check and possible testing to determine if an allergy could be to blame.
Eczema is a generalized term used to describe inflamed, scaly, itchy skin. Atopic Dermatitis is a form of eczema often diagnosed in childhood. Other forms of eczema exist and serious skin conditions can sometimes mimic benign eczema, so it is important to see a board certified dermatologist for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan.
Our physicians are ready to address any symptoms of eczema you may have, simply schedule an appointment today.
Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles. It can be caused by bacteria, fungus or can be sterile. It typically appears as red bumps or pustules centered around a hair follicle on the body or scalp. The bumps can itch or hurt or may not give any symptoms.
If you have concerns it is best to schedule an appointment to learn about the topical and oral treatments available for this condition.
Fungal Infections
Fungal infections, also referred to as tinea, can affect your hair, skin or nails. Tinea corporis, tinea capitis, tinea pedis and onychomycosis are common fungal infections dermatologists treat. The infection can appear as a red scaly area on the skin, hair loss, or a thickened and discolored nail.
Infections should be treated. Be proactive and schedule an appointment to address any possible fungal infections under the guidance of one of our physicians.
Hair Loss
Hair loss is a complex condition that has numerous causes. Hair loss can be temporary or permanent, and can be a marker for systemic issues such as thyroid disease. Dermatologists are hair loss experts and can help you navigate the cause for your thinning and develop a treatment plan that may include oral supplements and medications, topical treatments, injections and sometimes PRP treatments.
Curious about the cause of your thinning hair? We recommend you schedule an appointment so we can take a look and tailor a personalized treatment plan to address your concerns.
Related articles:
PRP Therapy for Hair Loss
Understanding Different Different Types of Hair Loss
Understanding and Addressing Hair Loss
10 Facts About Hair Loss
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)
Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. It is most commonly seen in the axillae (under arm area), but can also occur on the palms, soles or scalp. There are topical treatments, oral medications and Botox injections to help this condition. Brella is a quick, in office topical patch treatment that specifically targets excessive underarm sweat.
If you are sweating the small stuff, or if your sweating is affecting your daily life, schedule an appointment and our physicians will help you explore your treatments options.
Related Article:
Brella: A Game-Changer in Sweat Control Treatment
Impetigo is a superficial bacterial infection of the skin. It often presents as a red, scaly, oozing area that won’t heal. It can have what looks like a “honey crust” on the surface. It can be contagious, but can be eradicated with a topical or oral antibiotic.
If you have a non-healing spot on your skin, it is best to schedule an appointment to effectively determine a path to healing.
Melasma is a disorder of hyperpigmentation frequently seen in women. It can occur during pregnancy, can be caused by oral contraceptives, and is sometimes associated with thyroid disorders. Sun exposure is a major contributor, as is infrared radiation. Melasma is a stubborn, chronic condition that can be addressed with a combination of topical products, sometimes oral medications and aesthetic treatments.
Melasma is manageable. If you want to learn more about how, schedule an appointment for a consultation and let us help you begin your treatments.
Moles (or nevi) are typically brown or skin colored spots on your skin. They can be flat or raised, and if a mole is cancerous it is called a melanoma. The ABCDEF rules that we use to detect melanoma are Asymmetry, Border Irregularity, Color change or different shades of color in one mole, Diameter larger than the head of pencil eraser (6mm), Evolving or changing mole, or just Funny looking compared to all of your other spots. Sometimes an abnormal mole could be an indicator of melanoma. A patient that has been diagnosed with a “dysplastic nevus” should schedule a yearly skin check because they are at higher risk for melanoma.
If you have a mole(s) that may need attention, contact our office to schedule an appointment
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that can affect the entire body or focus on certain areas like the elbows, knees, scalp, genitalia and nails. It is sometimes associated with psoriatic arthritis. There are many, very effective treatments for psoriasis beyond topical creams. Also, oral anti-inflammatory medication and Biologic medications – which are often injections given weekly to up to once every 12 weeks – can help control the overactive immune system that manifests as red, scaly plaques on the skin.
Experiencing symptoms of psoriasis? Schedule an appointment and learn about all the treatment options available to you.
Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that is sometimes confused with acne. Patients generally flush easily and/or have flares of acne-like papules on the center parts of the face. There are numerous triggers including stress, sunlight, heat, spicy food and alcohol. Medical and cosmetic treatments are available for this condition.
If you are frustrated with symptoms of Rosacea, schedule an appointment and let us help you begin to treat it effectively.
Related Articles:
Rosacea: Understanding the Different Types
Rosacea: Path to Effective Management
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchy, dry scaly patches on the face: typically eyebrows, nasolabial folds, ear creases and scalp. It can also affect other parts of the body and occur at any age. It is typically caused by a yeast on the skin that incites an inflammatory response in susceptible individuals.
Itchy patches can be irritating but also can be soothed. Schedule an appointment and let us start helping you heal your skin.
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer will occur in one out of every five Americans in their lifetime. Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Malignant Melanoma can often be detected early during regular full body skin exams. During these exams, your skin will be examined for suspicious growths and you will be reassured about benign, common skin growths that occur with age. If concerning lesions are found, they will be biopsied for a dermatopathologist to diagnose, and a treatment plan will be created to align with results, if needed.
When concerned about spots, lesions or even discoloring on your skin, it is best to be proactive and contact our office to schedule an appointment for a full body exam.
Related Articles:
Regular Skin Checks: A crucial Step in Skin Cancer Prevention
Melanoma and Early Detection
Self-Checks: Recognizing the Early Stages of Skin Cancer
Urticaria (Hives)
Urticaria, or hives, can be acute or chronic. These bumps are typically transient, intensely itchy and very distressing to patients. Urticaria can be a marker of a systemic issue and so it is important to see a dermatologist for evaluation if you have been experiencing urticaria for longer than 6 weeks.
The sooner you begin to address hive-like symptoms, the closer you are to alleviating the discomfort they can cause. Schedule an appointment and allow us to work with you to treat and prevent future flare ups.
Warts & Molluscum
Warts and Molluscum contagiosum are common viral infections of the skin most commonly seen in kids but can be seen in all ages. There are numerous treatments available and can sometimes require a few visits to eradicate the virus completely.
If you notice the appearance of a wart on you or your child, schedule an appointment to put a step by step plan in place to clear it up.