Revival Dermatology: A Guide to UV Safety

UV rays from the sun and indoor tanning beds not only increase the risk of skin cancer but also contribute to other health issues.
Understanding the UV Index: Protecting Your Skin Proactively

Understanding and monitoring the UV Index is key to protecting your skin from sun damage and reducing the risk of skin cancer.
Regular Skin Checks: A Crucial Step in Skin Cancer Prevention

Recurrent skin check appointments are vital for screening for skin cancer and addressing various skin concerns.
Melanoma and Early Detection

At Revival Dermatology we recommend annual or bi-annual skin check appointments to address all aspects of your skin’s health.
Self-Checks: Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Cancer

Early detection plays a crucial role in the successful treatment of skin cancer.
BBL + Halo Combination Treatment Delivers Elevated Results

BBL+Halo will make your skin function in a more youthful way, and can even decrease your risk of skin cancer.