What is Dermatological Cryotherapy?

It is a localized probe used to freeze small areas of skin for removal of warts and to treat skin lesions.
Understanding Warts: Identifying, Preventing, Treating

Warts are viral and can be caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), like plantar warts, common warts and flat warts.
Helping Your Teen Manage Acne: A Parent’s Guide

Acne can be a challenging experience for teenagers, but with proper support and guidance from parents, it can be effectively managed.
Regular Skin Checks: A Crucial Step in Skin Cancer Prevention

Recurrent skin check appointments are vital for screening for skin cancer and addressing various skin concerns.
Melanoma and Early Detection

At Revival Dermatology we recommend annual or bi-annual skin check appointments to address all aspects of your skin’s health.
Self-Checks: Recognizing the Early Signs of Skin Cancer

Early detection plays a crucial role in the successful treatment of skin cancer.